domingo, diciembre 18, 2005

Movimiento 2

Ref: 00001w

sábado, diciembre 17, 2005

Pensamiento positivo

Ref: 00021w


Ref: 00022w

Este es el subcampeón en el torneo de ventriloquía de La Rioja. Subcampeón es más que campeón...Tú qué eres?, campeón?...bueno...y tú?? subcampeón??... hala!!!!!.

Cómo no, Faemino y Cansado dixit.

miércoles, diciembre 14, 2005

Logo #6...estoy cerca...creo.

Creo que se me ha ocurrido uno que me gusta mucho pero mucho mucho...

Logo #6

A ver qué os parece!!!!

Logo #6


Logo #4, logo #5

Logo #4

Logo #5

Ahí van dos logos nuevo... Me gusta el concepto de búsqueda, el de movimiento, el de revolución...Me gusta el negro sobre blanco, aunque voy a intentar el blanco sobre negro a ver qué pasa...

Logo #4

Logo #5

Los cuatro que entráis en mi blog, a ver si sois tan amables de decirme cuál os gusta más...


lunes, diciembre 12, 2005

Buscando un nuevo logo para mi web

Se admiten recomendaciones, críticas, consejos...
Este primer logo es el más sencillo de todos, no me entuiasma de momento, pues no hace alusión a los viajes y no sé cómo podría hacer alusión excepto porque podría asemejarse a una bola del mundo (echándole mucha imaginación, of course!). Por otro lado la "R" es importante pues tengo toda la intención de cambiar esa nominalidad y personalización de mi página web por algo más genérico e una idea.

Logo n#1

Este segundo logo es el que está aceptado de momento, es una mezcla entre lo nuevo y lo antiguo, me gusta la mezcla de tipografías y la pixelización de la de arriba, como contraste está la tipografía de abajo, sobria y seria donde las haya, quizá demasiado estático y sin referencia de nuevo a los viajes...tengo que darle un par de veis algún logo interesante de estas de web de viajes, por favor, no olvidéis mandárme el link o la imágen, por favor!.

Logo n#2

El último logo es el que más me gusta de todos, pero a la vez es el que está menos prefeccionado, es muy agresivo y sintético y se asemeja o trata de asemejarse a una pistola que va a disparar un avión mismo tiempo que se construye con las letras "R" y "F" de Relieve Fotografí una idea vaga pero que con un par de vueltas podría fructificar...

Logo n#3

Y ésto es todo, por favor, necesito cometarios los que sepáis que existe la página y que a veces entráis pero que nunca dejáis un comentario...que sepáis que lo podéis dejar anónimo y que ni siquiera hace falta registrarse para ello...

Bueno, que paséis buena semana!!!.
"Tío" Alberto. jeje.

A partir de ahora llamadme UNCLE ALBERTO

Voy a ser tío!!!!!!
Una buena nueva me sacudió este día de la inmaculada concepción, y aunque el nombre del día no tenga que ver, evidentemente, mi hermana nos comunicó la buena nueva!!!.
Pero qué contento estoy!!!.


Tayto y mis amigos irlandeses
¡Cómo me gusta este logo!

Ya hacía tiempo que no nos veíamos pero las buenas costumbres no se olvidan tan fácilmente...vinieron mis amigos de irlanda y cómo no, debado del brazo se trajaeron para su amigo alberto un pack de seis bolsas de tayto, las patatas fritas cheese and onion más ricas del mundo...además una botellita de jameson, que como dice adrian, quizá no era necessary, sino mandatory...ésa es buena.

Qué sería de nosotros sin los buenos amigos, y los buenos lingotazos, no?.

En la foto, yolanda, andrés (españoles:-)) y adrian (eire).


domingo, diciembre 04, 2005

Cordero asado estilo castellano

Hoy, una receta tradicional...ayer me dio el punto en la sección de carnicería y olvidándome de que mi salario es una puta mierda y que no debo darme muchos caprichos de este tipo, procedo al hedonismo con euforia...Lo primero es untar el corderito (este es de unos 500 gr.) de aceite por los dos lados...sazonado y untado también con media cucharadita de pimentón (yo he usado paprika traida de mi viaje a budapest el año pasado)...

El horno se va calentando a unos 170-210º...

por otro lado corto media cebolla, un diente de ajo, perejil y albahaca...mezclo bien y pongo en la cazuela...a continuación hay que echarle un vasito de vino y agua, pero yo, como hoy no tenía vino, me he buscado la vida y he puesto agua con un starlux (oh yeah!)...

No tiene buena pinta , no??

Ahora, a meter en el horno y esperar durante unas dos horas aproximadamente (recordando que lo mejor es los últimos minutillos, poner a gratinar...mmmmmm!!!).

Servir templado con la salsa caliente...mmm!!!

De vez en cuando se baña con su propio jugo y cuando esté dorado por un lado, se da la vuelta para que esté asado por igual...Ahora lo mejor es servir templado pero con la salsa muy, muy caliente...para chuparse los dedos!!!...

Vino: Mayor de Castilla, Ribera de Duero, 2003.

Y de acompañamiento, pimientos del piquillo de León...

Espero que os guste!.

Judías blancas asturianas

Nada más fácil, después de un remojo de un día...las judías se ponen en agua fría con agua cubiertas hasta que queden cuatro dedos de la ponen a hervir...añadir entonces el chorizo, la morcilla y el tocino (yo lo compro en un pack de compango asturiano que sale muy bueno en el super)...añadir una hoja de laurel y esperar a que rompan a hervir...

Judías blancas ricas, ricas...

Entonces cerrar la olla y ponerla a tope hasta que el émbolo empiece a girar a un ritmo acompasado pero no desmesurado (me gusta esta gilipollez que acabo de decir...), lo siguiente, es, una vez llegado ese punto, bajar al 7 y esperar unos 40'...

Ahora, el postre!...

Olvidaba que además hay que tener buena compañía para degustarlas (y mejor esperar un día a que cojan un poco de cuerpo).

A disfrutar,

viernes, diciembre 02, 2005

La historia de Kevin Carter...para los que sepáis inglés...para los que no, altavista translate.

THE LIFE AND DEATH OF KEVIN CARTER Visiting Sudan, a little-known photographer took a picture that made the world weep. What happened afterward is a tragedy of another sort.

Descripción de la fotografía que le hizo famoso

The image presaged no celebration: a child barely alive, a vulture so eager for carrion. Yet the photograph that epitomized Sudan's famine would win Kevin Carter fame - and hopes for anchoring a career spent hounding the news, free-lancing in war zones, waiting anxiously for assignments amid dire finances, staying in the line of fire for that one great picture. On May 23, 14 months after capturing that memorable scene, Carter walked up to the dais in the classical rotunda of Columbia University's Low Memorial Library and received the Pulitzer Prize for feature photography. The South African soaked up the attention. "I swear I got the most applause of anybody," Carter wrote back to his parents in Johannesburg. "I can't wait to show you the trophy. It is the most precious thing, and the highest acknowledgment of my work I could receive."

El éxtasis...

Carter was feted at some of the most fashionable spots in New York City. Restaurant patrons, overhearing his claim to fame, would come up and ask for his autograph. Photo editors at the major magazines wanted to meet the new hotshot, dressed in his black jeans and T shirts, with the tribal bracelets and diamond-stud earring, with the war-weary eyes and tales from the front lines of Nelson Mandela's new South Africa. Carter signed with Sygma, a prestigious picture agency representing 200 of the world's best photojournalists. "It can be a very glamorous business," says Sygma's U.S. director, Eliane Laffont. "It's very hard to make it, but Kevin is one of the few who really broke through. The pretty girls were falling for him, and everybody wanted to hear what he had to say."

Después de recibir el agonía...

There would be little time for that. Two months after receiving his Pulitzer, Carter would be dead of carbon-monoxide poisoning in Johannesburg, a suicide at 33. His red pickup truck was parked near a small river where he used to play as a child; a green garden hose attached to the vehicle's exhaust funneled the fumes inside. "I'm really, really sorry," he explained in a note left on the passenger seat beneath a knapsack. "The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist."
How could a man who had moved so many people with his work end up a suicide so soon after his great triumph? The brief obituaries that appeared around the world suggested a morality tale about a person undone by the curse of fame. The details, however, show how fame was only the final, dramatic sting of a death foretold by Carter's personality, the pressure to be first where the action is, the fear that his pictures were never good enough, the existential lucidity that came to him from surviving violence again and again - and the drugs he used to banish that lucidity. If there is a paramount lesson to be drawn from Carter's meteoric rise and fall, it is that tragedy does not always have heroic dimensions. "I have always had it all at my feet," read the last words of his suicide note, "but being me just fit up anyway."

La biografía...

Kevin Carter...Clic himself under...

First, there was history. Kevin Carter was born in 1960, the year Nelson Mandela's African National Congress was outlawed. Descended from English immigrants, Carter was not part of the Afrikaner mainstream that ruled the country. Indeed, its ideology appalled him. Yet he was caught up in its historic misadventure.
His devoutly Roman Catholic parents, Jimmy and Roma, lived in Parkmore, a tree-lined Johannesburg suburb - and they accepted apartheid. Kevin, however, like many of his generation, soon began to question it openly. "The police used to go around arresting black people for not carrying their passes," his mother recalls. "They used to treat them very badly, and we felt unable to do anything about it. But Kevin got very angry about it. He used to have arguments with his father. "Why couldn't we do something about it? Why didn't we go shout at those police?' "

Though Carter insisted he loved his parents, he told his closest friends his childhood was unhappy. As a teenager, he found his thrills riding motorcycles and fantasized about becoming a race-car driver. After graduating from a Catholic boarding school in Pretoria in 1976, Carter studied pharmacy before dropping out with bad grades a year later. Without a student deferment, he was conscripted into the South African Defense Force, where he found upholding the apartheid regime loathsome. Once, after he took the side of a black mess-hall waiter, some Afrikaans-speaking soldiers called him a kaffir-boetie ("nigger lover") and beat him up. In 1980 Carter went absent without leave, rode a motorcycle to Durban and, calling himself David, became a disk jockey. He longed to see his family but felt too ashamed to return. One day after he lost his job, he swallowed scores of sleeping pills, pain-killers and rat poison. He survived. He returned to the S.A.D.F. to finish his service and was injured in 1983 while on guard duty at air force headquarters in Pretoria. A bomb attributed to the A.N.C. had exploded, killing 19 people. After leaving the service, Carter got a job at a camera supply shop and drifted into journalism, first as a weekend sports photographer for the Johannesburg Sunday Express. When riots began sweeping the black townships in 1984, Carter moved to the Johannesburg Star and aligned himself with the crop of young, white photojournalists who wanted to expose the brutality of apartheid - a mission that had once been the almost exclusive calling of South Africa's black photographers. "They put themselves in face of danger, were arrested numerous times, but never quit. They literally were willing to sacrifice themselves for what they believed in," says American photojournalist James Nachtwey, who frequently worked with Carter and his friends. By 1990, civil war was raging between Mandela's A.N.C. and the Zulu-supported Inkatha Freedom Party. For whites, it became potentially fatal to work the townships alone. To diminish the dangers, Carter hooked up with three friends - Ken Oosterbroek of the Star and free-lancers Greg Marinovich and Joao Silva - and they began moving through Soweto and Tokoza at dawn. If a murderous gang was going to shoot up a bus, throw someone off a train or cut up somebody on the street, it was most likely to happen as township dwellers began their journeys to work in the soft, shadowy light of an African morning. The four became so well known for capturing the violence that Living, a Johannesburg magazine, dubbed them "the Bang-Bang Club."
Even with the teamwork, however, cruising the townships was often a perilous affair. Well-armed government security forces used excessive firepower. The chaotic hand-to-hand street fighting between black factions involved AK-47s, spears and axes. "At a funeral some mourners caught one guy, hacked him, shot him, ran over him with a car and set him on fire," says Silva, describing a typical encounter. "My first photo showed this guy on the ground as the crowd told him they were going to kill him. We were lucky to get away."
Sometimes it took more than a camera and camaraderie to get through the work. Marijuana, known locally as dagga, is widely available in South Africa. Carter and many other photojournalists smoked it habitually in the townships, partly to relieve tension and partly to bond with gun-toting street warriors. Although he denied it, Carter, like many hard-core dagga users, moved on to something more dangerous: smoking the "white pipe," a mixture of dagga and Mandrax, a banned tranquilizer containing methaqualone. It provides an intense, immediate kick and then allows the user to mellow out for an hour or two.
By 1991, working on the dawn patrol had paid off for one of the Bang-Bang Club. Marinovich won a Pulitzer for his September 1990 photographs of a Zulu being stabbed to death by A.N.C. supporters.

Segundos antes de morir...

That prize raised the stakes for the rest of the club - especially Carter. And for Carter other comparisons cropped up. Though Oosterbroek was his best friend, they were, according to Nachtwey, "like the polarities of personality types. Ken was the successful photographer with the loving wife. His life was in order." Carter had bounced from romance to romance, fathering a daughter out of wedlock.

La fotografía...

In 1993 Carter headed north of the border with Silva to photograph the rebel movement in famine-stricken Sudan. To make the trip, Carter had taken a leave from the Weekly Mail and borrowed money for the air fare. Immediately after their plane touched down in the village of Ayod, Carter began snapping photos of famine victims. Seeking relief from the sight of masses of people starving to death, he wandered into the open bush. He heard a soft, high-pitched whimpering and saw a tiny girl trying to make her way to the feeding center. As he crouched to photograph her, a vulture landed in view. Careful not to disturb the bird, he positioned himself for the best possible image. He would later say he waited about 20 minutes, hoping the vulture would spread its wings. It did not, and after he took his photographs, he chased the bird away and watched as the little girl resumed her struggle. Afterward he sat under a tree, lit a cigarette, talked to God and cried. "He was depressed afterward," Silva recalls. "He kept saying he wanted to hug his daughter."
After another day in Sudan, Carter returned to Johannesburg. Coincidentally, the New York Times, which was looking for pictures of Sudan, bought his photograph and ran it on March 26, 1993. The picture immediately became an icon of Africa's anguish. Hundreds of people wrote and called the Times asking what had happened to the child (the paper reported that it was not known whether she reached the feeding center); and papers around the world reproduced the photo. Friends and colleagues complimented Carter on his feat. His self-confidence climbed.
Carter quit the Weekly Mail and became a free-lance photojournalist - an alluring but financially risky way of making a living, providing no job security, no health insurance and no death benefits. He eventually signed up with the Reuter news agency for a guarantee of roughly $2,000 a month and began to lay plans for covering his country's first multiracial elections in April. The next few weeks, however, would bring depression and self-doubt, only momentarily interrupted by triumph.

The troubles started on March 11. Carter was covering the unsuccessful invasion of Bophuthatswana by white right-wing vigilantes intent on propping up a black homeland, a showcase of apartheid. Carter found himself just feet away from the summary execution of right-wingers by a black "Bop" policeman. "Lying in the middle of the gunfight," he said, "I was wondering about which millisecond next I was going to die, about putting something on film they could use as my last picture."
His pictures would eventually be splashed across front pages around the world, but he came away from the scene in a funk. First, there was the horror of having witnessed murder. Perhaps as importantly, while a few colleagues had framed the scene perfectly, Carter was reloading his camera with film just as the executions took place. "I knew I had missed this f--- shot," he said subsequently. "I drank a bottle of bourbon that night."
At the same time, he seemed to be stepping up his drug habit, including smoking the white pipe. A week after the Bop executions, he was seen staggering around while on assignment at a Mandela rally in Johannesburg. Later he crashed his car into a suburban house and was thrown in jail for 10 hours on suspicion of drunken driving. His superior at Reuter was furious at having to go to the police station to recover Carter's film of the Mandela event. Carter's girlfriend, Kathy Davidson, a schoolteacher, was even more upset. Drugs had become a growing issue in their one-year relationship. Over Easter, she asked Carter to move out until he cleaned up his life.
With only weeks to go before the elections, Carter's job at Reuter was shaky, his love life was in jeopardy and he was scrambling to find a new place to live. And then, on April 12, 1994, the New York Times phoned to tell him he had won the Pulitzer. As jubilant Times foreign picture editor Nancy Buirski gave him the news, Carter found himself rambling on about his personal problems. "Kevin!" she interrupted, "You've just won a Pulitzer! These things aren't going to be that important now."

La muerte de su amigo...

Early on Monday, April 18, the Bang-Bang Club headed out to Tokoza township, 10 miles from downtown Johannesburg, to cover an outbreak of violence. Shortly before noon, with the sun too bright for taking good pictures, Carter returned to the city. Then on the radio he heard that his best friend, Oosterbroek, had been killed in Tokoza. Marinovich had been gravely wounded. Oosterbroek's death devastated Carter, and he returned to work in Tokoza the next day, even though the violence had escalated. He later told friends that he and not Ken "should have taken the bullet."

New York was a respite. By all accounts, Carter made the most of his first visit to Manhattan. The Times flew him in and put him up at the Marriott Marquis just off Times Square. His spirits soaring, he took to calling New York "my town."
With the Pulitzer, however, he had to deal not only with acclaim but also with the critical focus that comes with fame. Some journalists in South Africa called his prize a "fluke," alleging that he had somehow set up the tableau. Others questioned his ethics. "The man adjusting his lens to take just the right frame of her suffering," said the St. Petersburg (Florida) Times, "might just as well be a predator, another vulture on the scene." Even some of Carter's friends wondered aloud why he had not helped the girl.
Carter was painfully aware of the photojournalist's dilemma. "I had to think visually," he said once, describing a shoot-out. "I am zooming in on a tight shot of the dead guy and a splash of red. Going into his khaki uniform in a pool of blood in the sand. The dead man's face is slightly gray. You are making a visual here. But inside something is screaming, "My God.' But it is time to work. Deal with the rest later. If you can't do it, get out of the game." Says Nachtwey, "Every photographer who has been involved in these stories has been affected. You become changed forever. Nobody does this kind of work to make themselves feel good. It is very hard to continue."
Carter did not look forward to going home. Summer was just beginning in New York, but late June was still winter in South Africa, and Carter became depressed almost as soon as he got off the plane. "Joburg is dry and brown and cold and dead, and so damn full of bad memories and absent friends," he wrote in a letter never mailed to a friend, Esquire picture editor Marianne Butler in New York.
Nevertheless, Carter carefully listed story ideas and faxed some of them off to Sygma. Work did not proceed smoothly. Though it was not his fault, Carter felt guilty when a bureaucratic foul-up caused the cancellation of an interview by a writer from Parade magazine, a Sygma client, with Mandela in Cape Town. Then came an even more unpleasant experience. Sygma told Carter to stay in Cape Town and cover French President Francois Mitterrand's state visit to South Africa. The story was spot news, but according to editors at Sygma's Paris office, Carter shipped his film too late to be of use. In any case, they complained, the quality of the photos was too poor to offer to Sygma's clients.

El final...

According to friends, Carter began talking openly about suicide. Part of his anxiety was over the Mitterrand assignment. But mostly he seemed worried about money and making ends meet. When an assignment in Mozambique for TIME came his way, he eagerly accepted. Despite setting three alarm clocks to make his early-morning flight on July 20, he missed the plane. Furthermore, after six days in Mozambique, he walked off his return flight to Johannesburg, leaving a package of undeveloped film on his seat. He realized his mistake when he arrived at a friend's house. He raced back to the airport but failed to turn up anything. Carter was distraught and returned to the friend's house in the morning, threatening to smoke a white pipe and gas himself to death.
Carter and a friend, Judith Matloff, 36, an American correspondent for Reuter, dined on Mozambican prawns he had brought back. He was apparently too ashamed to tell her about the lost film. Instead they discussed their futures. Carter proposed forming a writer-photographer free-lance team and traveling Africa together.
On the morning of Wednesday, July 27, the last day of his life, Carter appeared cheerful. He remained in bed until nearly noon and then went to drop off a picture that had been requested by the Weekly Mail. In the paper's newsroom, he poured out his anguish to former colleagues, one of whom gave him the number of a therapist and urged him to phone her.
The last person to see Carter alive, it seems, was Oosterbroek's widow, Monica. As night fell, Carter turned up unannounced at her home to vent his troubles. Still recovering from her husband's death three months earlier, she was in little condition to offer counsel. They parted at about 5:30 p.m.
The Braamfonteinspruit is a small river that cuts southward through Johannesburg's northern suburbs - and through Parkmore, where the Carters once lived. At around 9 p.m., Kevin Carter backed his red Nissan pickup truck against a blue gum tree at the Field and Study Center. He had played there often as a little boy. The Sandton Bird Club was having its monthly meeting there, but nobody saw Carter as he used silver gaffer tape to attach a garden hose to the exhaust pipe and run it to the passenger-side window. Wearing unwashed Lee jeans and an Esquire T shirt, he got in and switched on the engine. Then he put music on his Walkman and lay over on his side, using the knapsack as a pillow.
The suicide note he left behind is a litany of nightmares and dark visions, a clutching attempt at autobiography, self-analysis, explanation, excuse. After coming home from New York, he wrote, he was
"depressed . . . without phone . . . money for rent . . . money for child support . . . money for debts . . . money!!! . . . I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain . . . of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners . . . " And then this: "I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky."

Manic Street Preachers
le dedicó una canción con su propio nombre...

Hi time magazine
hi pulitzer prize
Tribal scars in technicolor
Bang bang club ak 47 hour
Kevin carter
Hi time magazine hi pulitzer prize
Vulture stalked white piped lie forever
Wasted your life in black and white
Kevin carter x3
The elephant is so ugly he sleeps his head
Machetes his bed kevin carter kaffir lover forever
Click click click click click
Click himself under
Kevin carter x3

fuente: y elaboración propia. Espero que os resulte interesante.


miércoles, noviembre 30, 2005

domingo, noviembre 27, 2005

Got back from Makedonija

Todos los viajes te cambian un poco, cada uno de una manera diferente al anterior...Si de Ghana volví pensando que se puede ser feliz con una centésima parte de lo que yo tengo, de China volví pensando que las cosas pueden y deben ir más lento de lo que van por aquí...Macedonia me ha mostrado las cosas sencillas y la tranquilidad aún trabajando a toda máquina...Madrid ya no es lo que era, o yo ya no soy el que era, no lo sé... cada vez me ronda más en la cabeza que en uno de estos viajes me quedo...

¿Qué tendrán los domingos?.

Comentario de lunes: (...) Pero si en el extranjero no están ni madrid ni mi chica!!! ¿Cómo me voy a quedar allí?????. Sin las cañitas y tus besos no soy nadie.

domingo, noviembre 13, 2005

Bacalao en salsa española

Concretamente estos lomos de bacalao son al punto de sal, con lo que no tenemos que estar 48 horas en remojo y cambiando el agua y demá mucho más fácil que todo eso. A mí me gusta más desalarlo pero esta vez, lo que tenía era esto...así que: a empezar.

Como siempre, pochar un poco de ajo (un par de dientes) y media cebolla cortada en pedacitos pequeños...una vez que estén pochaditos bien, a fuego lento y en una cazuela de barro de las de antes (mejor que mejor).

Después de que la salsa esté preparada, añadimos un poco de agua y los lomos de bacalao con un poquito de perejil de connecticut y unas pocas chirlas para darle un poquito de sabor del bueno.

lo demás cuesta poco: mover la cazuela un poco (que no raspe con la vitrocerámica, claro) y en no más de diez minutillos a fuego lento, ya lo tenemos...

a disfrutarlo y besos para ellas y un abrazo para ellos:-)


Solomillo de cerdo a la cerveza

Una nueva receta en una tranquila tarde de sábado...hace unos años, quizá incluso unos meses, me hubiera resultado impensable no salir un sábado, pero aquí estoy yo, cocinando en lugar de pedirme unos jamesoncola...La receta es sencilla...

De momento cortamos en juliana media cebolla grande, un pimiento rojo y unos pocos champiñones naturales (así como un par de dientes de ajo alavés, claro)...por supuesto rehogamos con un poco de aceite de oliva virgen...

Por otro lado preparamos la cervecita, que, cómo no, será una mahou (para tomarse lo que sobre, aproximadamente un tercio del bote) y que echaremos sobre lo previamente rehogado...el solomillo va salpimentado y con un poco de perejil por encima (del que dicen Faemino y Cansado que no se cultiva en connecticut porque no es rentable...).

Una vez que hemos preparado la salsa, añadimos un vasito de agua que se consumirá mientras se hace el más de cinco minutos a fuego medio...ya empezará a oler...(por cierto, yo he añadido en esta fase un poquito de pimiento morrón, que le va muy bien al cerdo).

Es ahora cuando viene la etapa más fá saca el solomillo y se trocea (es preferible que no esté totalmente hecho sino que esté un poquito rojo, para que se termine de hacer cuando se calienta para comer).

Por último se añaden los trozos a la salsa et...voilá!!!! un solomillo de cerdo para chuparse los dedos!!! (no sé si me lo comeré yo o se lo comerá mi chica en el tupper del trabajo, pero la cosa es disfrutar haciéndolo...jejeje).

sábado, noviembre 12, 2005

La puta margarita

No acabo de entender cómo se puede encontrar una ciudad entera llena de coches con una margarita en el acabo de entender cómo se puede uno dejar arrastrar por una moda para al día siguiente dejarse llevar por otra. No creo que sea cuestión simplemente de que te gusten las margaritas, creo que si está de moda una nube, esa misma gente tendrá nubes en sus coches, si está de moda una mierda, la gente tendrá una pegatina de una buena cagada en su coche...
Un poquito de personalidad por favor señores!!!.


viernes, noviembre 11, 2005

Hoy es un gran día: Ha nacido Pablo Kofi!!!!!!

El primer hijo de mi gran amigo (mi primo!) santi y su mujer pilar ha venido hoy al mundo hoy...qué ilusión para todos!!!. De momento no hay documento gráfico:-). Enhorabuena a los padres!!!!!.

En la imagen, otro Kofi.

Macedonia is getting closer

Ayer estaba lejos...hoy está más debo hacerme ilusiones pero no puedo evitar cerrar los ojos y estar allí, siquiera unos días. Sí, es para trabajar, pero es a M-A-C-E-D-O-N-I-A!!!!. Este precioso paisaje es exactamente nuestro sitio de trabajo, una pequeña ciudad llamada Ohrid, cercana a la frontera de Albania...¿No es bonito Ohrid??.

Puede que me comunique desde allí...
Au revoir,


miércoles, noviembre 09, 2005

Un encorbatado de...mierda.

Sentí que algo me hacía mucho daño ayer viernes cuando recien llegado de mi viaje me compro mi elpaís y mientras espero a mi novia para comer con ella, ojeo uno de los reportajes...desgraciadamente, como casi siempre me pasa, cuando voy a tirar de él, ya lo he mandado a reciclar..así que tendré que hablar de memoria...aunque es un reportaje publicado por EP3 (el hijo de El país de las tentaciones) el viernes 4 de noviembre de 2005.

Por ponernos en antecedentes, yo me llamo Alberto, leo el país desde que un día comprendí (yo solito) que al ABC que leía mi padre había que darle otra referencia, otra visión...añadir otro punto de vista, etc... leía el país de las tentaciones regularmente desde hace, calculo unos diez años, cuando en Valladolid estudiaba la carrera...esa carrera que de una manera u otra me ha ayudado a encontrarme donde estoy ahora...una licenciatura universitaria vituperada por la ignorancia y los geógrafos, entre otras cosas, nos vemos trabajando de lo que se puede.

Yo ahora soy un encorbatado.

Vuelvo a mi lectura mientras esperaba a mi novia recien llegado de mi repente leo una entrevista a alguien, creo recordar que era un DJ o un músico o un nuevodirectordecinedeesosquesalenene¡EP3, no lo recuerdo bien:

EP3: trabajabas en la Unión Europea de abogado cuando te diste cuenta de que te tiraba más el mundo de la dirección de cine (sic)??
entrevistado: sí, pude escaparme a tiempo...
EP3: Así que eras un encorbatado de... ?
entrevistado: Exactamente, un encorbatado de mierda.

y etc y EP3 no le corrigió.

Pués bien tíos, la habéis cagado bien cagada conmigo (uff, qué miedo!) ... Yo pensaba que para EP3 daba igual la parte de fuera, que era mejor ser un encorbatado pero tener una actitud crítica ante la vida, no dejarse arrastrar por las corrientes masivas, tener tu punto de vista propio, practicar la dialectica constructiva con tus amigos y, estaba equivocado.

Lo que os la pone dura es un tío con los pantalones bajados hasta el culo, barba de siete días, gafas de pasta... que diga que lee a Kafka y que quizá luego sólo es que se la KasKa.

Un encorbatado ve granhermano y comenta por la mañana las andanzas del NENG con los amigos, o desde luego, mira los resultados de la quiniela el domingo por la noche...

Ya no me moláis nada.

Alberto, un encorbatado de ...

martes, noviembre 08, 2005

Road to Macedonia

Parece ser que marcho en unos pocos días a trabajar a Macedonia...un nuevo país que ver, que conocer, que oler, que tocar...Esta versatilidad que más de una vez me ha salvado la vida (ánimo geógrafos, hay vida después de terminar la carrera!) me lleva a Skopje y a Ohrid de traductor de los operarios de mi empresa que van a montar un Radomo (una protección para una antena de aviones) en la cima de un monte...A ver qué hay por allí.


Y ésto representa la muerte??

Los crisantemos que tengo en mi terraza fueron regalo de mi chica (que el la única que lee mi blog) ...yo he tenido que esperar cinco meses o así para que le salieran estas preciosas flores...Las alegrías están ya medio muertas, mientras que las petunias cada vez estan mejor...cuanto menos caso les hago, más bonitas me parece que están...pasa mucho.

Cuando me los regaló le dije: Pero si estas son las flores de los cementerios!! (hija mía!) y sin embargo los planté en mis maravillosas macetas de plástico de la terraza...

Mención especial merecería mi planta de maiz...un día metí una mazorca seca en una de mis macetas y esto es lo que salió...estoy pensando plantar un billete de avión, a ver a dónde me voy mi próximo viaje!!!!.

lunes, noviembre 07, 2005

Madeira octubre-noviembre 2005

Impresionante isla para hacer rutas por el monte, para hacer trekking, para ver paisajes alucinantes del mar desde la montaña, insectos, flores, árboles...

El mar batiendo con fuerza, piscinas naturales...

Increíbles contrastes de luz...

Gente acogedora, simpática, entrañable y carismática, con caracter e idiosincrasia...

Mares de nubes alucinantes...

Pero si queréis salir de vayáis a Madeira. La media de edad de las chicas supera los setentaicinco años...y además hablan alemán...jajajatjotjotjo...